Can we please keep John Kerry quiet for one more week?

For the record, let me state beforehand that I've always labeled myself as a staunch Democrat. While that hasn't always been the easiest label to be saddled with the past few years, it's one that I remained proud to have in the face of various contentious political issues. And with the elections upcoming next week, I truly feel that in light of all the negative actions of the controlling Republican Party, the Democrats will gain control of not just the House or Senate, but all of Congress, thus relegating George W. Bush to lame duck status until his term "serving this country" thankfully comes to an end once the '08 elections take place.

Having said all that & being generally upbeat regarding the future of the Democratic Party, there is one person that continues to stick in my craw & makes me cringe every time he decides to speak..

Will someone please put a muzzle on Sen. John Kerry? More & more, this man sounds like a bitter has been that was more like a never was. Running his mouth about what he could've done to have actually won the election in '04 (sounds great now since hindsight is 20/20) but where was that audacity & fighting spirit when it mattered? Pointing out all the great work he could've done as President when compared to the current regime? Guess what, you didn't win. Would've, should've, could've still gets you nowhere.

But now the "distinguished gentleman" from Massachusetts has sunk to a new low with comments he made suggesting that if you didn't go to school & get a decent education, you could end up stuck in Iraq. Kerry's original comments

The implication being, if you don't get a good education, your only option is military service, where you'll end up in Iraq & stuck there because of the horrible situation the current regime has created. Kerry then tried to backtrack by stating his comments were a botched joke gone awry & that we all should recognize that & move on. Kerry's backtrack

I'm aware that Kerry is positioning himself for a possible second attempt at the White House in '08, but for the sake of the Democrats in positions to do something positive in the elections next week, could one of Kerry's handlers or perhaps a democrat in a position of authority (Ranking congressional Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, former President Bill Clinton, even senior Senator from Kerry's home state of Massachusetts, Edward Kennedy) please take a stand & muzzle this loose cannon before he causes irreparable harm? If that doesn't happen & Kerry continues to shoot from the hip, November 7th could go from "National Take Back Congress" day to "The Day Democrats Blew It..AGAIN."

And to think, I share a birthday with John Kerry..


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